Urban Greening Ideas


Where space is limited, facades offer greening opportunities at all levels (not just ground floor) including windows boxes, green walls, hanging baskets, balconies and fencing. A cohesive approach to greening frontages on buildings can create unity along streets or within squares and be beneficial for wildlife by creating multi-levelled habitats for nesting and foraging.

  • Hanging Baskets & Window Boxes

    Hanging baskets and window boxes provide additional greenery to a building façade, consider native species that may require less maintenance and those that can bring vibrancy and colour. Maintenance access should be considered. 

  • Green Walls

    Green walls can improve biodiversity and air quality. To reduce costs and maintenance requirements, a climbing species can be used. Walls also provide opportunities for habitat features such as bird boxes, bat boxes and invertebrate boxes like bug hotels.

  • Planters

    Placing planters on fencing is an effective way to green a façade when space is limited providing colour and interest at eye level for pedestrians.  Balconies can also provide additional space to green using planters or draping plants along railings.

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