Looking after the quarter

Security Notifications

Any notifications from the Police, Council or other authorities about imminent events or protests of note will be posted below.

There may be occasions when we are not notified in advance of protests or information isn’t made available to us until after events have started. For the latest updates, follow @metpoliceuk and @MPSWestminster.

Sign up to our weekly Security & Operations briefing to receive a round up of forthcoming events, protests and security and resilience training to your inbox every Friday.

Last updated 07 February 2025 – updated weekly

Pedicab Regulation Consultation

TfL have launched a six-week consultation on the licensing and regulation of pedicabs. The Pedicabs (London) Act 2024 proposes that the regulations and licensing regime requirements for pedicabs would be similar to those that apply to taxis and private hire vehicles (PHV) but tailored to the unique nature of the pedicab and the market they operate in.

TfL states that one of the main aims for regulating pedicabs in London is to make them as safe as possible, including ensuring that they are driven, maintained and operated in a safe and professional way.

To find out more and provide your feedback visit the TfL website.
Or get in touch with them via email: [email protected]

Consultation ends on Friday 7 March 2025 


Police and Crime Plan Consultation

The Mayor and Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime have launched their consultation on the draft Police and Crime Plan (2025-29) for London. In this document, they set out how they will continue to deliver for Londoners, building on the work of the previous two Mayoral terms to make our city safer for everyone.

Safe, confident communities are the foundation of London’s success. Their vision is therefore both for London to be a safer city, with crime falling, and for Londoners to feel safer as they go about their daily lives.

To deliver this vision, the draft Police and Crime Plan sets out some key objectives:
•           reducing violence and criminal exploitation
•           increasing trust and confidence in the Metropolitan Police Service
•           improving the criminal justice system and supporting victims
The formal consultation on the draft Plan runs until 23:59 on Wednesday 12th February, and the final Police and Crime Plan will be published before the end of March 2025.

Following the publication of the Police and Crime, MOPAC will publish a refreshed Strategy for tackling violence against women and girls (VAWG).  We would be happy to hear your additional views on how we make London a safe city for every woman and girl as part of this consultation.

The draft Police and Crime Plan is available at www.london.gov.uk/policecrimeplan, along with details on the different ways you can take part in the consultation.

BakerStreetQ will be responding to the consultation and is happy to include your views.


Street Works

Mortimer Street / Wigmore Street Two-Way Traffic

20 February 2025 – 23 February 2025

The conversion to two-way traffic on Mortimer Street and Wigmore Street will require a 4-day temporary road closure in the area. This is scheduled to take place from 8am Thursday, 20th of February to midday on Sunday 23rd of February 2025. During this period Mortimer Street, Great Titchfield Street, Wigmore Street, Cavendish Place and the western and northern arms of Cavendish Square will be closed to traffic. Traffic diversions will be clearly indicated. Pavements will remain open and pedestrian access to all properties will be maintained at all times.

Upon reopening on the 23rd of February the following changes should be in place:

  • Mortimer Street will be two-way between Regent Street and Great Titchfield Street
  • Great Titchfield Street will become one-way from south to north (currently one-way north to south between Mortimer Street and Margaret Street)
  • Wigmore Street and Cavendish Place will operate two-way traffic between Wimpole Street and Regent Street
  • Cavendish Square (west side) will be one-way from north to south (currently one-way from south to north)
  • Revisions to vehicle placed on those junctions to facilitate ease of traffic with the new arrangements

View the complete list of planned street works sent to us by the council here.  This will be updated every Friday afternoon on receipt of updated information. Please note there may be additional emergency works for which we may not get advance notice.

Should you require further information on any of the works please contact Westminster City Council on [email protected].

Contact Our Street Team

If you need advice or are concerned about an incident or event affecting your business, get in touch with our Street Team here.

(In an emergency, always call 999)

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