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Street Team Makeover!

You might have noticed that our Street Team recently received a makeover, with new uniforms to match with our new green branding! We hope you agree that these smart new uniforms catch the eye. If you see any of the team in the area, do say hi. They’re a team of friendly faces!

The Team is fundamental to our street management and security and resilience work. Part-funded by The Portman Estate, they operate across the whole of Baker Street Quarter, seven-days a week, providing street safety reassurance to businesses, their staff, residents and visitors to the area, and a deterrent to anti-social behaviour and crime. They also monitor homelessness and work closely with outreach services through The Passage – our commissioned service that ensures effective support is offered to those sleeping rough. They build relationships with the community, local security managers and street level businesses to work together to address any issues.

With on-street policing provision sometimes stretched, street teams like ours play an increasingly important role across the capital, acting as the eyes and ears for the Police and Council, gathering critical evidence to support their work so that the relevant authorities can take action against those causing problems.

In addition to this, the Team monitor the street environment, reporting and following-up on matters such as potholes, broken street lighting, litter and fly tipping, working with the Council as well as our Smarter Recycling waste collection service and our cleansing provision. The reporting system used ensures that reported issues are followed up and maps the area’s hotspots to ensure we target our actions effectively.

More information about the Street Team, our street management and wider security and resilience programmes can be found here. If you know of any issues that you would like to alert the Street Team to, you can contact them directly here.

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