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School Career Support

As part of our Smarter Giving programme, we are working with several of our local secondary schools to invite businesses to get involved in their career and apprenticeship programmes coming up this academic year.

Marylebone Boys School

Marylebone Boys School is looking for businesses to help raise the aspirations of all of their students and, regardless of background give them the best opportunities to experience the wealth of careers and development opportunities open to them. They have two apprenticeship events coming up – one for Post 16 age (on 22 November) and the other Post 18 (on 30 November) – for which they are looking for businesses who offer apprenticeship programmes to have a stand at the event to talk to students and their parents about the opportunities available.

In addition to this, they are looking for work experience placements at a range of industries for Year 10 students (in March) and Year 12 (in June).

King Soloman Academy

King Soloman Academy wants to ensure that all students are prepared for life after school, for university and for the world of work, and particularly want to help students develop the skills and knowledge needed for the changing job market. They have a Careers Week taking place in January that includes a range of activities including a Careers Fair, Speed Networking – at which employers will speak to pairs of students in ten minute slots about their job and industry – plus a Careers Carousel event for employers to deliver short presentations to groups of students about their organisation. In addition to this, they are interested in engaging with businesses that offer apprenticeship programmes and would also like to hear from businesses that are able to offer work experience placements for Year 10 and 12 students in June/July next year. They also offer workplace visits to small groups of Year 9 students in February, to see local workplaces and understand about roles within companies.

St Marylebone School

St Marylebone School has a Green Week the week commencing 6 November and is looking for people working in the green sector/ industry who could speak as part of a whole school assembly or a smaller workshop. Later in the year, they also offer Year 8 students a Behind the Brand office visit experience, giving them an insight into the many job roles that take place inside a business and to understand transferable skills. They are looking for local businesses that can host a visit and potentially offer introductory talks and mock interviews. For older students in Years 11, 12 and 13, they are always on the lookout for organisations that are able to give time to help prepare students with applying for jobs and apprenticeships, through mock interviews and psychometric/aptitude tests. In addition to this, they are also looking for individuals that could support disadvantaged students to develop employability skills through their mentoring programme, working 1:1 with students on a regular basis for a period of 6-8 weeks. Their Careers Fair takes place in March at which students and their parents can find out more about local industries and careers and talk to representatives from businesses about what they do.

For more information on any of the above, get in touch with our Community Impact Manager, Hannah. There are plenty of other ways to give time and donate funds and equipment to local charities and community groups. Visit our Smarter Giving pages for more information.

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