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Oxford Street Plans

As consultation on Westminster City Council’s proposals for Oxford Street continues, we have arranged a meeting for member businesses and building owners located near Oxford Street with the Council’s project team.   

The proposals aim to enhance Oxford Street’s status as a destination for cultural vibrancy and make it a better place to live, work and visit, with public space improvements such as wider footways, better seating and lighting, more trees and clearer signage plus more direct vehicle routes. Enhancements to the south of the Quarter and this key gateway to the area will bring with it many benefits, with a positive knock-on effect of increased footfall for our hospitality and retail businesses, and a more pleasant environment and better amenities for local workers. The meeting aims to seek clarification on some of the detail around the changes being proposed and what this means for Wigmore Street west, Portman Square, Orchard Street, Duke Street and Portman Street among others in particular in relation to likely changes to  traffic flows, traffic types and loading provision.  

There are a limited number of spaces still available if any representatives from member businesses would like to attend. Contact us here to enquire. 

More information about the Council’s proposed Oxford Street Programme, as well as your opportunity to respond to the consultation, is available here. The programme is broken down into five project proposals, the most relevant to Baker Street Quarter being #1 Oxford Street and #4 Oxford Street West.   

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