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Happy 25th Birthday Home House!

This winter, the iconic Home House private members club on Portman Square is celebrating its 25th anniversary. Known for transforming the landscape of traditional members’ clubs as a haven for hedonism and escapism, the club is renowned for its legendary parties and playing host to many colourful characters over the years. Its impressive Georgian townhouse was originally commissioned in 1773 by The Countess of Home as a sophisticated palace designed purely for enjoyment to entertain London’s high society of the 18th century. Famous at the time, Lady Home earned the nickname “Queen of Hell” for her “irascible behaviour and lavish parties”!

To mark the 25 milestone, Home House hosted an exclusive dinner with distinguished guests from the realms of fashion, entertainment, and art on 25 October, as well as their renowned Halloween House Party on 27th. The next big celebration is their 25th Anniversary New Year’s Eve Ball for members and their guests. Non-members can join the clubs’ celebrations by staying in one of Home House’s luxurious bedrooms and suites – find out more here.

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