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Funding For Greening

BakerStreetQ is thrilled to have recently received Greening Westminster Funding following a successful bid to Westminster City Council’s Greening Westminster programme.

The focus will be to enhance the greening around and along the walking route between Marylebone and Baker Street stations, creating a more pleasant environment, increasing biodiversity, improving air quality and adding much needed, and carefully designed seating – importantly accompanied by a full management, maintenance and monitoring plan. The fund will enable us to help realise our ambitions for the benefit of everyone who uses this important route, identified as a priority as part of our Placemaking Strategy research.

Formerly known as “Open Spaces, Greener Places”, the programme to date has awarded £350,000 of funding to community groups and individuals to deliver local greening projects over the next year.

More information on the Greening Westminster programme can be found here. Don’t forget we also have our own Urban Greening Guide available here with advice and tips for businesses looking to add greenery and encourage biodiversity at their premises.

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