Offices & Property

Sustainability Key Dates

A selection of useful resources for the Office and Property Management sectors, including legislation relating to energy assessments and carbon reporting, net zero guidance, sustainability toolkits and relevant accreditations.

Interested in supporting area-wide sustainability activities or sharing best practice with other businesses in your sector? Get in touch to find out more.

  • Sustainable Office Guide

  • RIBA Sustainable Outcomes Guide

  • SME Climate Hub Carbon Calculator

  • The 1.5°C Business Playbook

  • Understanding Greenhouse Gas Protocol & Scopes

  • GHG Protocol Land Sector and Removals Guidance

  • Business Climate Hub – actions for SMEs

  • The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)

  • Support for SMEs to decarbonise

  • Sustainable Development Goals

  • UKGBC – Delivering Net Zero: Key Considerations for Commercial Retrofits

  • World Economic Forum (WEF) Toolbox of Solutions: Decarbonizing Urban Ecosystems

  • World Economic Forum (WEF) Green Building Principles

  • SBTi Buildings Sector Guidance

  • Nature strategy handbook

  • New partnership to standardise international hotel sustainability

  • Better Building Partnership Launches Updated Green Lease Toolkit

  • UKGBC case-making guidance document for retrofitting office buildings

  • UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) Embodied Ecological Impacts Knowledge Hub

  • Task Force on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)

  • Report on how businesses can take action on the SDGs

  • UK Business Climate Hub

  • ISO net zero guidelines

  • Guidance on use of high integrity carbon credits

  • UKGBC Carbon Offsetting and Pricing Guidance

  • SBTi guidance on supplier engagement

  • ISSB standards on corporate sustainability reporting

  • FSB Small Business Sustainability Hub

  • Edie Guide to Biodiversity and Business

  • SME Net Zero Toolkit

  • WWF Risk Assessment Suite

  • Optimise Prime fleet electrification tool

  • Science-based Targets for Nature

  • SBTi Value Chain Decarbonisation

  • UN Report on Net Zero Commitments and Greenwashing

  • Government funding schemes

  • Green loans and investment

  • Funding for electric vehicle charging

  • Boiler Upgrade Scheme

  • Better Buildings Partnership (BBP) Climate Resilience Guide

  • Zero Carbon Westminster: A Focus on Retrofit in Historic Buildings

  • Delivering Net Zero in Use: A Guide for Architects

  • Buildings Sector Science Based Target Setting Guidance

  • Biodiversity Net Gain Factsheets

  • The Circular Built Environment Playbook

  • GRI Biodiversity Standard

  • Circular Buildings Coalition – CBC

  • Edie’s 2024 Sustainability Communications and Disclosure Handbook

  • BSI UK Nature Investment Standard: first edition available for consultation

  • UKGBC releases new guidance on embodied carbon reporting

  • SBTi introduces two new reports to drive climate action beyond the value chain

  • Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR)

  • Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS)

  • Mandatory Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) reporting for large businesses

  • Green Claims Code

  • Mandatory Net Zero Transition Plans for UK-listed businesses

  • Sustainability Disclosure Requirements

  • Levelling Up and Regeneration Act

  • Carbon border tax

  • Biodiversity Regulations effective February 2024 for new development projects

  • Biodiversity Net Gain to become mandatory for large developments

  • Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

  • EU Parliament agrees position on new corporate due diligence law

  • Energy Security Bill

  • Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) countdown

  • Minimum energy efficiency standards for lighting

  • Sustainable drainage requirements on new developments

  • EU Parliament reaches agreement to strengthen air quality standards

  • Westminster City Council advocates ‘Retrofit First’ approach in building policy proposal

  • Net Zero Whole Life Carbon Roadmap for the Built Environment

  • World Green Building Council (WGBC) Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment

  • B Corp

  • Zero Emission Maritime Buyers Alliance (ZEMBA)

  • The Nature Positive Business Pledge

  • BREEAM certification

  • WELL Building Standard

  • Fitwel certification


  • SKA Rating

  • Ecovadis

  • Green Mark

  • WiredScore

  • Alliance across the UK, Australia, and USA to drive sustainable finance in the built environment

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