Services for Businesses

Ongoing Appeals And Opportunities

Home-Start Westminster

Become a Volunteer Family Befriender and provide emotional and practical support to families and build parents’ confidence. Free training is provided as well as on-going one to one supervision and support once you have become a Befriender. Find out more here.

Feathers Marylebone

Local youth centre is looking for corporate supporters to sponsor their ongoing programmes working with young people in the community. More details about the sponsorship opportunities are available here.

North Paddington Food Bank

This lifeline organisation for many in the community is currently requesting financial donations instead of food as they are prioritising the distribution of supermarket vouchers to families and those in need. Donations from individuals can be made online here, and from businesses can be done so by emailing [email protected].

FoodCycle Marylebone

This local charity aims to connect communities, reduce loneliness and food poverty, creating community dining spaces that use up surplus food and ingredients. They have a range of volunteering opportunities including food collectors, cooking and hosting. Sign up as an individual, or alternatively create a team with colleagues to volunteer on the same day. Check out the Online Volunteer Portal here.

The Marylebone Project

This organisation provides a life-changing service for homeless and vulnerable women. Donations received directly fund the 24/7, 365-days-a-year crisis service, The Sanctuary – a safe and relaxing space with essential facilities where women can begin to rebuild their lives. Women can also access training and education, advice, holistic well-being classes, support with family mediation, landlord negotiation and assistance in finding private sector accommodation. Donate online here. or contact them directly for details on how to make a BACS/cheque donation.

Social Supermarket

Social Supermarket is a charity endeavour which provides for local people who are experiencing financial difficulty and are in food poverty. They provide basic groceries and household goods. Absolutely anyone who is in need is welcome and can receive from their supplies. The supermarket are in need of food donations as well as financial donations to keep the service going. Donations can be made here, just simply click on ‘Fund’ and select ‘Social Supermarket’.

Central London Samaritans

Become a listening volunteer with Central London Samaritans, respond to calls for help and change the course of someone’s life. No previous experience needed but will need to be non-judgemental and accepting of others. More information here.

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