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Using AI In Business
2 May 2023
Baker Street Quarter member, University of Westminster introduces the latest in their series of industry events – ‘Using AI to enhance business practices’. The event will help businesses to understand how they can best utilise AI in an inclusive and socially responsible way.
Attendees will hear from an expert panel whose research addresses AI in the areas of communications, healthcare, and manufacturing. Panel members will share three case studies that explore the use of AI by businesses in a variety of contexts:
- why the use of AI feeds into the corporate social responsibility agenda;
- how AI chatbots can be tailored to support specific communities;
- ways in which SMEs can access cloud infrastructure to develop and utilize AI solutions in an optimal way.
You will be able to participate through discussions on the current and future uses of AI by industry, and to network over light refreshments.
More information and how to register is available here. The event is taking place on Wednesday 17 May, 18:00 – 20:00, at the University of Westminster’s Marylebone Road Campus.