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Urban Greening

A reminder to businesses that the Urban Greening webpages provide handy tips and guidance to those looking to introduce planting and greenery to their buildings and street-level facades, with information including types of foliage, materials, planters, ongoing maintenance and measuring impact.

Urban greening benefits the area by not only making it a more attractive place to visit, work and live but also creating an environment that is healthy, green, biodiverse and more resilient to climate change. We are encouraging businesses to think not just about their own property, but about working with neighbours to make a bigger impact, whether that be through installing a mix of planting and habitats for wildlife at street level, on facades or at roof level to create greener streets and corridors for wildlife. We are aware that greening interventions need to make business sense and offer value for money, so we have provided a range of ideas at different scales and for different budgets.

Visit our Urban Greening guidance pages here.

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