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Support For Homeless

We have been working with homelessness outreach service, The Passage, since 2021, with the aim of ensuring that those that are vulnerable and living on the streets are able to access support and solutions. The team work closely with our Street Team, getting to know individuals and bringing together services and agencies to find the right support they need.

To demonstrate the positive impact that The Passage has had so far on tackling the issue of homelessness in the area, we’ve compiled some recent case studies of those that have been supported:

The team met a vulnerable female, a survivor of domestic violence and with complex needs, who sometimes beds down in the Baker Street area.  The Passage’s Community Intervention Team (CIT) has been working to support her by regularly liaising with her keyworker and encouraging her to engage with her support network. She now has a housing referral in place to a specialist domestic violence charity and the team continues to liaise with her keyworker to support her with this move on plan and to find a permanent and sustainable route off the streets.

In December, the team met a couple sleeping in the area – the male client was accommodated for in a temporary solution within Westminster but was dismissing this option to stay with his partner, who had no alternative and was rough sleeping and homeless. Through working with the couple’s caseworkers, the team were able to confirm with the female that she had been accepted into Crisis@Christmas temporary accommodation. The team encouraged both to reengage with their keyworkers, and consequently they are now receiving ongoing support to find a route off the street.

Last summer, the team were working to build a relationship with an individual consistently sighted in the area, and who has a long history of rough sleeping having been homeless on and off since 2013, with ongoing substance abuse support needs. Previous attempts to accommodate the client had unfortunately broken down and, as a result, he was politely resistant to any engagement. The team continued to check in on him during shifts and carried out welfare checks, particularly in the extremely hot weather, and looked into a referral to the Compass Team, who work with long term entrenched rough sleepers who struggle to engage with services. They also arranged a meeting with partner agencies to discuss his case and look at other ways that he could be supported.

If you are concerned about someone sleeping on the streets, our Street Team can be contacted at [email protected] who will alert The Passage and ensure that their welfare and needs are explored. Alternatively, advice can also be found at StreetLink London. If you think the person you are concerned about is in immediate danger or needs urgent care, please call 999.

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