Latest News
Summer Street Food
26 June 2023

For the next six weeks, food market favourite, Rummanco, will be supplying their delicious Caribbean meals and patties at our George’s Pocket Park street food stall, every Wednesday, 11.00 – 15.00, (excluding 12 July when Summer In The Square is on).
The street food pop-up was launched back in May, giving local workers and those passing by the chance to try something new. With seating (and gazebos on hand in case of rain!), George’s Pocket Park is the ideal sheltered spot to take some time away from the hustle and bustle.
As a reminder, we also have our ongoing fortnightly market at 55 Baker Street, featuring a selection of food stalls with something for everyone. The next one is this Thursday 29 June, with subsequent dates all available on our events calendar.