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Stolen Items Retrieved
6 March 2023
Earlier this month, our Street Team discovered over £350 of Marks and Spencer clothing and accessories that had been stolen from the Oxford Street store and hidden in Manchester Square Garden. The Team retrieved the items and returned them, to the delight of the store managers who expressed their thanks for their efforts.
The Street Team patrol the area seven days a week, monitoring security and cleanliness, helping members of the public, liaising with the Council and the Police and acting as a deterrent to antisocial behaviour. They also work closely with our funded homeless outreach service, The Passage, to ensure that those sleeping on the streets are able to access support services that they need.
There has been an increase in shoplifting incidents in the area of late, particularly from food shops and supermarkets. If you see anything suspicious that you think could be worth noting, the Street Team can be contacted at [email protected]. In an emergency, contact the Police on 999.