Latest News
New Team Member
10 July 2023
The successful renewal ballot that took place back in November, led to the extension of our area northwards, resulting in the need more staff resource to manage an increase in activities and service provision. The team’s latest addition, starting last week, is Alexander Boadi who joined Baker Street Quarter as Stakeholder and Engagement Manager.
Alexander will be looking after the Street Management and Security and Resilience workstreams, working closely with our members, building managers and owners, the Council, the Police as well as other neighbouring BIDs, to identify and resolve street-based issues. He will oversee the Street Team’s activities along with security and street works communications, and further develop our services including our area-wide waste collection service, Smarter Recycling.
Alexander will be in touch with key buildings and businesses over the coming weeks. In the meantime, if you would like to get in touch you can do so here.