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Mental Health Awareness Week
13 May 2024
It’s Mental Health Awareness Week this week and to mark the campaign, we have a selection of workshops and training sessions for member employees to give their mental health a boost:
/ Understanding Mental Health Disorders (in person)
Learn about common myths and how to best support others at home and in the workplace
15 May, 12.30-13.30
/ Pilates (in person)
Open level and beginner-friendly
16 May, 12.30-13.30
/ Slow Flow Yoga (in person)
After work self-care
21 May, 17.30-18.30
We know that supporting the mental health of employees is a priority for businesses and as such we have a number of initiatives to help you do just that. Our Mental Health First Aid course takes place several times throughout the year – a three-day, virtual course that qualifies attendees as Mental Health First Aiders and provides them with an in-depth knowledge to be able to support their co-workers. The June course is fully booked but there are spaces in September.
Following on from this, those who complete the course are invited to join our Mental Health First Aider Network, meeting regularly to share ideas and best practices.
Our Events and Training calendar features a year-round programme of interesting and mindful workshops, encouraging you to take a break from your desk and meet with colleagues or others in the local community. In addition to this, our online Training and Wellbeing Hub features over 200 virtual courses that include sessions in fitness, meditation and stretching. The sessions can be joined live or caught up with at a later date.
Mental Health Awareness Week was established by the Mental Health Foundation which works to change the UK’s approach to mental health through national campaigns, providing evidence-backed advice and resources, and researching and developing new and more effective ways to support and protect good mental health. Find out more about its work here.