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Charity Hoardings On Baker Street
16 October 2023

We were thrilled to see the hoardings go up around the development site at 25 Baker Street, promoting the amazing work of one of our local charities, The Marylebone Project. The promotional hoardings came about as part of our Smarter Giving initiative through which we paired the charity with developers Derwent London, giving The Marylebone Project a fantastic opportunity to promote themselves and raise awareness of their vital work to everyone in the area.
The Marylebone Project provides a life-changing, all-encompassing service for vulnerable homeless women, providing a safe environment in which to rebuild their lives. Their vision is to empower women to end their homelessness and live their lives to the full, with services ranging from crisis and hostel support, to providing education and training needed to gain employment.
The 25 Baker Street development, led by Derwent London and working with The Portman Estate, is due to be completed in 2025, with high-specification office space alongside residential apartments. There will also be ground-floor retail units fronting Baker Street, George Street and Gloucester Place linked by a central courtyard, creating a vibrant new retail and restaurant destination for Marylebone. Whilst the construction site maybe a bit of an eye-sore right now the future is really very exciting! Regular updates are sent to the neighbours of the 19-35 Baker Street site via a monthly newsletter. If you would like to subscribe or for any other queries or comments, contact [email protected].