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BakerStreetQ Area Expands

Following our renewal and expansion ballot last November, succeeding with a turnout of 80% and 99% of members voting YES both by number and rateable value, we are welcoming new businesses to our membership and extending the provision of our services northwards to encompass Marylebone station and the surrounding streets launching this month.  

Our new members include London Business School, BNP Paribas, Orbis Investments and Dorset Square hotel – we look forward to working with these businesses, welcoming their staff to the Baker Street Quarter community and identifying where improvements can be made to this key gateway to the area.  

The extension of services will see our Street Team operating across the whole Baker Street Quarter area Monday-Friday 7.00-22.00, and on Saturdays and Sundays 10.00-20.00.  The Team provides street safety reassurance and a deterrent to anti-social behaviour and crime, acting as the eyes and ears for the Police and Council, gathering evidence to support their work to enforce against those causing problems. In addition to this, the Team monitor the street environment, reporting and following-up on matters such as pot holes, broken street lighting, litter and fly tipping, working with the Council as well as our Smarter Recycling waste collection service and our cleansing provision. The reporting system used by the team links to our baseline agreement with Westminster City Council – our legal agreement that sets out the minimum service standards to be delivered by the Council – and maps the area’s hotspots to ensure we target our actions effectively.  

The Team also works closely with our outreach service through The Passage patrolling the area and offering support to those sleeping rough. They build relationships with the community, local security managers and street level businesses to work together to address issues. 

In addition to the Street Team, we are launching a regular deep cleansing service to target key grot spots and pavements across the area, including the Wonderpass – our bright and vibrant subway that passes under Marylebone Road.   

These services form part of our strategic priority – Clean, Safe & Resilient – that supports our overall vision to create a progressive, compelling and connected place for people, business and for everyone. These projects sit alongside and play a key role in the development of our placemaking strategy and our security and resilience programmes.  

The services are delivered in addition to other benefits of membership to Baker Street Quarter, including free training for staff, events and wellbeing sessions, our area-wide Smarter Recycling service and our corporate and community giving programme Smarter Giving. Visit our Services page to find out more. For a full round up of all the benefits to employees of our members, visit our Get Involved page. 

For more information on our plans for the next five years which includes our extension northwards, take a look at our Business Plan 2023-2028 here.   

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