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Area Management Update
29 April 2024

It’s been a busy few months for the Operations Team, working on a variety of projects and initiatives to keep the area safe and clean and working closely with the Police, the Council and outreach partners. Here are just a few of the activities that have taken place of late.
Our Personal Safety Workshop took place in March and was well-attended by local workers and residents. The lunchtime session was delivered in partnership with the Marylebone Ward Policing Team and featured a Q&A along with tips and advice for staying safe and protecting personal property.
Our next Lunch & Learn session will be an online seminar on 21 May at 12.00-13.00. Women’s Night Safety – Safer Dance will feature Sam Hennerly and Jack Young from talking about their initiative to improve safety in night-time economy venues.
We also have our next Fire Marshal training course taking place on Wednesday 19 June, 10.00-13.00. Find out more and sign up here.
Our targeted ‘grot spot’ cleaning continues to take place across the area, most recently including Melcombe Street, Baker Street and Dorset Square. In addition to this, the space outside of Baker Street station was given a much-needed scrub and tidy up in advance of our new Bites at Baker Street Station street food market commencing soon. If you know of other locations that could do with a spruce-up, do let us know!
The Operations Team have been working closely with contacts at the Council and Police, attending meetings, patrols and walkabouts to ensure that the needs of the area, the businesses and those that live and work here, are understood by relevant authorities. Our Operations Manager Amber recently attended an intelligence sharing session with Safer Business Network, the Police and representatives from other central London BIDs – a really useful session to share information about challenges and to encourage a joined-up approach to tackling crime and anti-social behaviour. In addition to this, Amber has been undertaking regular patrols with British Transport Police and also attended a CASSA (Clean and Safe Streets Audit) inspecting roads and footways together with Council Inspectors, contractors and local Councillors.
Our Street Team continues to monitor the safety and cleanliness of the local area and act as a deterrent for anti-social behaviour. They work closely with the Police and security teams at local buildings and businesses, sharing intelligence to help prevent crime, and collating information that can be used as evidence.
The Team also works closely with our outreach partner, The Passage, who offer support to those sleeping rough and ensure that they are able to access the help and resources that they need.
Please do get in touch with us if you have any queries, concerns or suggestions. You can find out more about our area management here.