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Marylebone to West End Cycleway Route
16 September 2024

Westminster Council is seeking views on options for an east-west cycle route from Marylebone to the West End.
A new Cycleway would connect sections of the existing network to the east and west and provide a safe, attractive and convenient route through the area. The Council is seeking to achieve this in a way that minimises impacts on other road users and residents, and where possible, delivers a range of wider benefits such as improved pedestrian crossings, more trees and other planting.
Five potential routes have been proposed, with the Council’s preferred route running through Manchester Square. We are supportive of the Council’s preferred route as when compared to the alternatives it provides a more direct route with fewer junctions and away from busier, more commercial routes with more traffic and more kerbside use such as parking and loading.
You can find out more about the cycleway proposals and options as well as submit your feedback here. The consultation closes on Monday 30 September.