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Wonderpass Success

We were certainly pleased with the press interest but we also wanted the views of people on the ground so we commissioned the University of Westminster to carry out an independent evaluation of the improvement works for us by interviewing users and comparing the results with interviews they’d conducted for us in July 2015, before the works began. We’re pleased to report some great findings …

More people than ever before are today using the facility, with an 83% increase in footfall, particularly during peak times.  Users commented on how much cleaner the Wonderpass is now compared to the old subway. Users also feel more confident and safe using the facility in the evenings and have an improved perception of it in general. We continue to invest in the subway to ensure it’s cleaned daily and remains properly lit and well maintained. We’ll also soon be installing more signage.

We’re absolutely delighted that the redevelopment of the subway into the Wonderpass has been a clear success with 98% of users saying they thought the subway was ‘better’ or ‘much better’ after the improvement works. If you haven’t used it yet why not try it as an alternative to the busy road crossing?

Watch our film capturing the public’s reaction to the Wonderpass

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