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What We’ve Been Doing To Support The Wellbeing Of You And The Quarter

Our Social and Wellbeing programme and our Smarter Giving initiative have played an important role in helping our members, and those that live and work in the area, take care of their physical and mental wellbeing, while also taking care of those in the Quarter and wider area who have needed your help.

Our Social and Wellbeing programme has always been popular, and by quickly adapting our programme to new, online events, such as mindfulness, nutrition, yoga and Pilates classes, as well as pub quizzes, dance classes and, now, a sound bath! We have, and continue to bring you all together to help look after your mind, body and soul, whether you’ve returned to the workplace or are working from home. Take a look at what’s coming up on our Events & Activities  programme.

Established links between our Smarter Giving programme and local charities have been key in linking so many of you to those who have so desperately needed your generously given time and funds in these new and most challenging times. Volunteer match up has seen drivers and vans delivering food parcels and meals to those in food poverty and helping feed key workers; front of house staff working shifts at St Mary’s Hospital and many more individuals and businesses, such as Home House, Knight Frank and Holmes Hotel, to name but a few, helping out with all sorts of activities from charity appeals, telephone contact, shopping and collecting prescriptions to writing e-newsletters and social media posts.

As we look towards recovery, we will continue to devise and arrange events to keep you motivated and connected, and help you help those in need within the Quarter. And for those that do want to help, at this moment in time, what many of our local charities need most is funding. Please do take a look at our Local Giving page for ways in which you can help and charities to donate to, and if you need help and advice on setting up fundraising projects and giving strategic support, please do get in touch with Kate.

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