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Volunteer To Help Carers Network Help Local Carers

As many as 1-in-8 people in the UK is an unpaid carer – looking after a relative or friend who may be living with an illness or disability. Unpaid carers make enormous sacrifices, often putting their own lives, careers and wellbeing on hold. Plus, as many as 30% of carers may, themselves, be living with a long-term illness.

Carers Network is an independent local charity, which has been supporting unpaid carers since 1991. Through a range of services and projects, the charity reaches thousands of unpaid carers in the most isolated and deprived pockets of Westminster to give them support.

You could help Carers Network and help them make a difference to many more local carers by volunteering. You could volunteer with a carers’ walking group or offer telephone befriending. Or, perhaps, you would like a place on a charity run or to host a bake-off. And there is always a need for sharing skills, such as IT knowledge.

If you would like to find out more, do email Annwen Bates, Head of Fundraising and Communications, or call: 020 8960 3033.


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