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Up Coming Private Members’ Virtual Programme

Private members clubs, Home House and Home Grown are, once again, extending an invitation for you to join two of their specially curated virtual online events on Thursday 29 April.

Stress Detox with Home House – 8am via Zoom

The perfect way to start the day, Home House’s weekly Stress Detox sessions with meditation expert Elizabeth Martin are designed to increase energy and reduce anxiety. As we navigate our changing reality, Home House is committed to continuing to offer connection, unity, and help you feel supported.

Email Sarah to register

Or join:

The New Era of Enterprise with Home Grown – 12pm – 1.30pm via Zoom

A New Age of Health: from Illness to Wellness – Hosted by Barry Holmes and Sarah Matthew,
with Clemens Boninger from The Drug.Store, Marylebone

While COVID-19 has challenged global healthcare systems and industries in their business models and working habits, our society is more health aware than ever. Even before the current pandemic, people had been more involved and engaged with their health than ever.

While the pharmaceutical industry’s growth is declining, medical cannabis, natural and alternative remedies, and practices such as meditation and yoga are skyrocketing.

Clemens Boninger is the co-founder of The Drug.Store, a Marylebone based chain of wellness stores and studios, which was launched out of the two founder’s background in the medical cannabis industry and originally filled the niche of premium CBD products.

During this interactive webinar, Clemens will tell the story behind The Drug.Store and open a discussion on the future of health around the trend of illness to wellness and the challenges, learnings and opportunities that the current situation provides for health in the future.

Email Home Grown to register

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