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Tree Planting With Chancerygate

BakerStreetQ member Chancerygate got stuck into a biodiversity project in north London recently, planting over 1,100 trees in one day! 25 staff members from the Chancerygate offices were supporting Thames21, a project to improve biodiversity and flood defences at Turkey Brook in Enfield.

Managing Director of Chancerygate, Richard Bains, said: “As real estate developers we are very conscious of the need to improve biodiversity, and this was a great opportunity for us to do just that and also spend some quality time together outside our working environment. Corporate Social Responsibility is very important to Chancerygate and this opportunity seemed to be very appropriate for a company like ours. We were very lucky to have enjoyed a cold but clear and relatively still day which definitely helped our motivation levels to stay high and we planted over 1,100 trees in the day. We very much look forward to revisiting in a few years to hopefully see a thriving new, native woodland.”

It’s brilliant to see one of our BakerStreetQ members involved in such an important biodiversity project here in London. Thames21 works with communities and volunteers to improve London’s waterways and cleaning and greening the areas around them. Plenty of volunteering opportunities are available, and you can find out more on their website.

Does your business have a sustainability or biodiversity success story you’d like to share? Please let us know by emailing [email protected].


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