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Tackling Homelessness 

Rough sleepers are being supported into more sustainable long-term housing following accommodation restrictions over the last few months. 

Many rough sleepers  were moved into emergency housing including hotels and self-contained apartments for their safety following coronavirus restrictions.  

 Westminster City Council, working with charity partners St Mungo’s, The Connection at St Martin’s, The Passage and West London Mission, has already moved more than 240 people into longer-term accommodation. The teams are also on hand for advice on support services for mental health, drug and alcohol issues. Our Street Safety Team is also on hand throughout the day to make welfare checks on rough sleepers and provide referrals and information on the relevant support services. 

 A review is in the pipeline about whether shared accommodation such as hostels can be phased out and more independent space can be offered to support a permanent life away from the streets. 

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