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Supporting Your Recruitment

We know that some businesses are facing real challenges with recruitment, and we and Westminster Employment Service are here to help.

Westminster Employment Service (WES) is a recruitment service for local residents and businesses, which partners with Westminster employers to fill a wide range of vacancies in the borough. It’s a great way of linking up local residents with local jobs, and we have linked several Quarter businesses up with our contacts there in the last few months. We were pleased to hear recently that Home House hired a new member of staff after attending WES’s recent job fair, and that Home House and WES are continuing to work together to support their recruitment. This follows previous success with Hyatt Regency London – The Churchill, who worked with WES to host a recruitment day and successfully hired several attendees into roles.

If you’d like support with recruitment and to be put in touch with Westminster Employment Service, please email Kate on [email protected].

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