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Supporting You To Stay Vigilant

Despite current restrictions Counter Terrorism (CT) Police are reminding businesses of the importance of staying alert to suspicious activity – and we’re here to help.

Our Street Safety Team continue to patrol the area’s streets, keeping a watchful eye over empty premises, monitoring anti-social behaviour and staying in touch with other security teams and the police via our radio network. The Street Safety Team can be contacted here with any issues or concerns you may have.

BakerStreetQ offers many online training courses and resources in a range of invaluable skills to support your business. At the end of this month we have an ACT Awareness – Counter Terrorism Workshop as well as SCaN communications for Comms Professionals – Counter Terrorism Training. For more information on these and our other courses, visit our Training page.

The UK’s threat level from terrorism has moved from substantial to severe due to the attacks on mainland Europe, although currently there is no intelligence to link any of the attacks to the UK. Whilst the police would like you to stay alert, they do not want you to be alarmed by the change of threat, as the UK is well prepared and protected from the threat of terrorism. CT Policing have requested any incidents or suspicious activity to be reported here.

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