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Supporting Vaccine Roll Out

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development has produced a helpful guide for employers preparing for the roll out of the Covid-19 vaccination to the working age population. The guide and supporting webinar take you through the role of employers in encouraging vaccine take-up and the policies that employers can put in place. These form part of the CIPD’s Responding to Coronavirus resources.

By the end of April, the government hopes to have offered the vaccine to all priority groups as well as the over 50s and over 60s, and by autumn aims to have offered the vaccine to all remaining adults in the UK. However in the last week it has been suggested by the government that this could be brought forward to the end of July due to the current speed of the vaccine roll out.

Covid-19 lateral flow testing is available for employees that cannot work from home. Businesses that employ over 50 people and are registered in England can request these tests for free via the government’s website. For company’s of under 50 employees, use this government portal to find a lateral flow centre near you.

Find out more about what we are doing to keep you and your colleagues safe when a wider return to the Quarter begins here.



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