Latest News
Supporting Rough Sleepers
4 May 2021
Our Street Team are in the Quarter seven days a week and one important part of their role has always been monitoring and supporting any rough sleepers who may appear in the Quarter. The team, along with Helen, our Senior Manager – Operations, works closely with Westminster City Council, whose ‘hidden network’ of charities and professionals can connect individuals with the support that’s available to them, to address and understand this complex issue.
Unfortunately, but unsurprisingly due to the challenges people have faced over the last year alone, there has been a rise in rough sleeping reported across London. Our friendly Street Team’s unrivalled knowledge and familiarity with the area means they can quickly identify and offer support to any new rough sleepers, as well as people who’ve been homeless for a longer period, and since 1 January we have made 28 referrals for further support. Westminster City Council’s outreach teams work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, helping people sleeping rough off the streets and into accommodation. They commission over 400 supported housing bed spaces and an assessment centre which can sleep up to a further 40.
If you are in the area and have spotted someone who may be vulnerable, you can alert Streetlink directly or email our Street Safety Team to offer support if required. By donating to local charities and services that work directly with people sleeping rough, you can help to make a real difference to people’s lives. Our Smarter Giving work coordinates support offered in the area: there are a variety of ways Members can get involved including volunteering or donating.