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Support Your Marylebone Forum

Baker Street Quarter Partnership sits on the Marylebone Forum to ensure our members are represented on this new body. Neighbourhood Forums are being formed across the country following the 2011 Localism Act which gives local communities a greater say in shaping the development of their own locality – and for our area this is the Marylebone Forum.

The Marylebone Forum is a representative body including members of the residential and business community, landowners, charities, educational and medical establishments.  The concept of neighbourhood planning represents a fundamental change to the planning system. Communities will be able to produce a statutory ‘neighbourhood plan’ to be used by the City Council when deciding planning applications, and will also grant ‘permitted development’ rights for certain types of new development. The Forum has applied to Westminster City Council to be formally recognised and designated as a neighbourhood forum and we would be grateful if you could email the council to support this.

You can see the application and further informationhere or email your support and any comments. You can also see further information on the Forum at

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