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Support PIP’s Big Give

Local charity PiP has signed up to The Big Give and is running a fundraising campaign towards their employment and vocational training support to help more PiP students into meaningful, paid employment. The PiP team are looking for supporters to pledge financial donations to the campaign which will then be doubled with match funding via The Big Give.

PiP (or Pursuing Independent Paths) empower adults with a learning disability or autism to achieve their ambitions through a number of learning programmes that increase skills for independence, health and wellbeing, participation in the community and future prospects.

If you would like to pledge, visit The Big Give website or contact [email protected] or [email protected] . PiP’s pledge target is £1,750 and the deadline is the end of August for them to qualify for match funding.

For other ways to support local charities and community groups, visit our Smarter Giving page or for more information, get in touch with Kate, our Smarter Giving Manager.

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