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Street Team Over Christmas

With Christmas just over a week away, we wanted to remind you that our Street Team will remain a reassuring presence in our area throughout the Christmas period.  Providing customer friendly assistance, reassurance and advice on the ground whilst also encouraging social distancing. The Team works with the Police and neighbouring security teams to trouble shoot and share information.

Part of our Street Team’s remit is to work with our partners to refer rough sleepers to the resources they need. With the weather getting colder, if you are concerned about a rough sleeper you can help  by sending an alert to Streetlink, a charity that supports vulnerable people and connects them to outreach services.

Our Street Team has worked extremely hard this year to ensure the Quarter is safe and cared for. They have looked after the area throughout both lockdowns and their rightful status as essential workers has been highlighted during this period. We hope you will join us in thanking them for their dedication.

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