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Stories Of Our Local Heroes

Our streets may be quietly sedate during coronavirus, but behind the scenes our businesses are doing some amazing things to help key workers. Here are just a few that are going to fantastic lengths to give their support…

Chef Richard and the Firehouse Brigade, have fired up the Chiltern Firehouse’s ovens to make hundreds of pizzas and sweet treats for London’s Air Ambulance and The Royal London Hospital’s Emergency Department. Read more on Instagram

Carousel, too, has jumped on board to help #FeedTheNHS and be part of Hospitality for Heroes, a not-for-profit grass roots campaign created by the hospitality industry. Chef, Ollie Templeton has been creating recipes to be made with ingredients funded by public donations – all to help ensure staff at NHS hospitals are receiving free, healthy meals. Read more…

And the University of Westminster has a team using their expert skills to 3D print face shields, an essential part of personal protective equipment (PPE) for those working on the front line of the coronavirus pandemic, to protect NHS workers. Read more…

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