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Stories From Our Street Team
1 February 2021
Our Street Management Team continues to work hard to keep the Quarter safe, clean and ready for a wider return while supporting businesses and the most vulnerable.
The Street Safety Team continues to work full time and has reported that the Quarter’s businesses have been excellent at complying with lockdown regulations and there have been no issues with queues or social distancing, so thank you to all our businesses for working hard to achieve this. The Team also check in each day with our essential retailers providing such a value service during this lockdown and are on call to help them with them on the odd occasion they have to deal with antisocial behaviour or shoplifting. Cleanliness is always a priority for our team and Al our Environment Manager keeps a watchful eye out for any fly tipping and makes sure parks remain well kept and maintained by the area’s street cleaners while also ensuring the Wonderpass remains spic and span.
The team also works to deter anyone who might be up to no good in the area and by working with the Police and Council ensure crime remains low. As an example, recently one of our team members deterred two potential criminals who were found shining a torch into a window of a parked car. We were also able to alert the KitchenAid Store last week to an alarm that was going off, and they were able to promptly confirm that the store was secure.
Given the recent cold weather snap, supporting rough sleepers is a particular priority and our team has been working closely with Westminster City Council and Streetlink to help people into emergency accommodation which was opened up by the Council. Regular check-ins with security teams still operational in the area continue to take place through twice daily radio checks, and our team continue to drop in on business for welfare checks. Another important part of the team’s work has been meeting with neighbouring street teams on a weekly basis to share intelligence and activity throughout the wider area.
To read more about their work, click here, or to report an issue email [email protected].