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Sponsor A St Marylebone Chair

Our friends at St Marylebone Parish Church are offering a unique opportunity to sponsor a chair as their refurbishment project reaches its final stages.

The chairs will be used in a number of the building’s spaces, which will be open for all and used for purposes such as Age UK groups, workshops for young people, heritage talks, exhibitions, concerts and much more. Donations will enable St Marylebone to engage with more of the community in a safe and comfortable place, and each sponsored chair will be commemorated with a special plaque – so you can dedicate a chair to whoever you would like. The handmade oak chairs are built to last, so your gift will be part of this special building for centuries. Find out more about sponsoring a chair here.

The church’s Changing Lives project has been one of central London’s most significant community projects, ensuring the Grade 1-listed building can remain open, enabling the team to share the 900-year story of St Marylebone and the parish’s residents, and grow the church’s work in the community. Find out more here.

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