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Smarter Giving Donation

We were pleased to facilitate a donation of digital screens to The Connection at St Martin’s, a homelessness charity in Charing Cross, by The Portman Estate. The Connection at St Martin’s helps thousands of people every year to move away from, and stay off, the streets of London by tackling the underlying causes of rough sleeping as well as offering practical help.

The three Panasonic screens were kindly donated by The Portman Estate and will be used as information screens throughout CSTM. The charity said:

“We certainly couldn’t justify, or even afford, to buy them but they are items that make our lives so much easier, the [lives of the] homeless much more pleasant and we really need more of that at this time.”

Thanks to The Portman Estate for this kind donation! If you have working but unwanted tech items at your business that could be donated to local charities, contact Kate our Smarter Giving Manager. By donating, you can save on disposal costs and it’s better for the environment for items to be reused. Find more ways you can get involved with our Local Giving programme during Coronavirus here.


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