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Small Change, Big Difference FREE Cookery Classes

Food is a necessity, but too much of it – good food that could have been eaten, or at least be turned into electricity or compost – is literally going to waste. The average household in London loses £70 a month to food waste. A whopping 910,000 tonnes of it goes to landfill every year – the equivalent of one out of every five meals. And around 20 million slices of bread go to waste from UK homes every day!

The Small Change, Big Difference campaign believes it’s about time food got the respect it deserves. And to help change this trend, are offering free cookery workshops across our food-loving capital until October, showing you how you can make delicious, healthy and waste-free food easily at home and make a genuine difference to the planet. Amongst other things, they’ll be showing you how to eat less meat, use up leftovers, store food so it doesn’t go off, and generally get virtuous with your food!

The campaign team is also working with restaurants, hotels and caterers across London – to help them reduce waste, provide more healthy options for their customers and introduce food waste recycling in their kitchens and restaurants. Email the team if your business would like to improve its efficiency and reduce the amount of food that gets thrown away.

Find out more about the Small Change, Big Difference campaign and book a free cookery course. More cookery events will be added throughout the summer, so keep checking for more dates and locations. Note that a fully refundable £10 deposit is required.

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