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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

With sustainability an important issue for many organisations, their people, clients and customers, join our 29 June webinar for tips and ideas for your business.

Waste management plays an important role in sustainability and identifying where you can make impactful changes is a big step to reducing your environmental impact. During our webinar with Veolia, free to all BakerStreetQ members, you will learn tips on reducing, reusing and recycling waste and what changes you can make to incorporate sustainable waste management practices within your organisation. You’ll also learn how our Smarter Recycling service is improving and innovating waste and recycling collections to make it easier for you to make these necessary changes. Book your place here.

Veolia is one of our Smarter Recycling partners, our scheme to help make waste simpler, cheaper and greener in the Quarter. Being part of Smarter Recycling will not only help your business cut costs by minimising waste and increasing recycling rates but has a wider area benefit by reducing traffic and improving air quality. Find out more about joining the scheme here.

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