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Recognition For Security Workers

Just as lockdown was being put in place we advocated for security professionals to be recognised as essential workers, and we were delighted when the government announced that this would happen. Great work continues in terms of acknowledging security workers as a new campaign has been launched by the British Security Industry Association (BSIA), the Security Institute and the Security Commonwealth to highlight the essential role security teams play in public life, and to increase recognition for what they do.  

The campaign, which we fully support, will showcase security professionals as a respected, valued, professional service provider contributing to and creating a safe and secure environment: critical to protecting people, places, and property – a key worker that is acknowledged and embedded in our daily lives. 

 Mike Reddington, Chief Executive, BSIA, said: “The recognition of security officers as key workers is the start of a re-appraisal of what service they provide to the community in keeping the public safe and secure.  As we exit lockdown and have to navigate public spaces again, they will have a crucial role in supporting public confidence.  We are working closely with the Police and all other public bodies to find the best way to achieve this.” 

We know how important our fully accredited and trained Street Safety Team is to the area and their presence is valued by all of us. They supported businesses throughout the duration of lockdown, continuing to gather and share intelligence, tackle anti-social behaviour and collaborate with police partners and other services to ensure the area remains a safe place for all of us to enjoy. As businesses reopen you can be reassured safety and security remains a top priority in the Quarter as always. 

Find out more about our Street Safety Team here

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