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Q&A with Reece, Operations Manager
30 May 2022
Reece Simwogerere has joined our team here at BakerStreetQ as Operations Manager. Formerly Projects Lead at Brixton BID, Reece will bring his expertise to oversee and deliver on our Safe and Cared projects which includes the management of our Street Team and Quality Spaces and Streets. If you’d like to meet with Reece to discuss any operational issues you can email him here [email protected]
Q. What experience do you bring to the role of Operations Manager?
I worked for six years at the Brixton BID. It was a small team, but we were able to achieve a lot. Such a long time in a small team meant I really learnt the niches of working for a BID and you work in everything… projects, finances and admin, stakeholder management – all things required for this role!
Q. What is the best thing about working for a business improvement district (BID)?
It’s really that every day is different – no two days are the same working for a BID. You meet different people from different businesses every day and you learn that each one has a different set of needs. It’s challenging and you have to be flexible but it’s really worthwhile to help businesses however you can.
Q. What are you most looking forward to working at BakerStreetQ?
There’s so much. I’m really looking forward to working with our Street Safety Team and getting to know the local businesses. We want to maintain the really high standards that have been set in the area.
Q. What is your favourite place in the Baker Street Quarter?
Well, The Wallace Collection has fantastic pieces on display and great regular exhibitions, the Walt Disney and Animation of French Decorative Arts is their fascinating current exhibition. Food is also fantastic across the area – I love Etnacoffee, Trishna, and Jikoni.
Q. Who is the most famous Londoner you have met or worked with?
I’ve been lucky enough to have met Levi Roots before… Walking the streets of London, you do see some famous individuals quite often but I’m not sure they count as meeting!
Q. What are you listening to at the moment?
One of my favourite songs is The Beatles’ Here, There and Everywhere – it’s timeless and never too long before I listen to it again. I’ve also been listening to Keep on Movin’ by Soul II Soul a lot.