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Put A Project Earth Event In Your Diary
20 September 2020
New thoughts about bug hotels, ethical eating and the future of fashion are being shared as part of Selfridges’ sustainability drive.
The iconic retail store recently launched Project Earth, an ambitious environmentally-friendly strategy designed to change attitudes and habits.
Momentum is assured, with a series of virtual and in-store events already attracting a growing audience. Webinars focusing on topics including smarter material choices for clothes, plastic pollution and deforestation are planned, while live in-store events to encourage children to learn about insects and plant growth will be held this weekend. [26 September]
Well-known speakers and activists including the Green Party’s Caroline Lucas, writer George Monbiot and climate campaigner Farhana Yamin are among those supporting the virtual events.
Planet Earth aims to change the way we live and shop by 2025. To find out more about the inspiring event schedule, click here.