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Business Rates: A Combined Response
31 October 2016
We have joined forces with 42 London bodies representing over 16,000 businesses and local government in a united and unprecedented response to the business rates revaluation and the impact on London businesses. Our open letter to the Communities Secretary Sajid Javid was published in the Standard last week signed by The Mayor of London, the London Boroughs, and 32 London BIDs. We are calling for more realistic transitional relief proposals and a full review of the rates system before the next revaluation.
Demonstrating such a strong voice has naturally generated considerable media attention Evening Standard, The Leader , Evening Standard, News. We will keep you updated on the developments. In the meantime, take a look here if you would like further details on the Business Rates Revaluation and the appeals process, as provided by Knight Frank’s Partner in Business Rates, Nick Bell.