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Have Your Say On Policing & Active Community

One of our neighbouring BIDs, Northbank, has been helping Inspector Ellen Lovatt create a survey regarding policing and active community in Westminster. And they’d like to offer you the chance to have your say by completing a short survey. Please read the Inspector’s message below.


Dear Community Member

I would like to invite you to complete this short survey to help your Neighbourhood Policing Team gain a better understanding of your local policing needs.

I am really keen to develop what I describe as ‘active citizenship’. In essence, greater involvement of the public in community safety and policing. I have copied below a few links which may be of interest to you and I would encourage you to take a few minutes to explore.

You can volunteer as a Crisis counsellor online at any time of the day. The scheme started in the US and has been hugely successful and has full professional oversight. Training takes 25 hours online. More information can be found here. Please visit  for more information.

The Metropolitan Police Service is supporting the expansion of Street Warden schemes across London. You can read about a great example of this.

Thank you in advance for your time.

Kind regards

Inspector Ellen Lovatt
Westminster NPT
West End Business and Community Engagement





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