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New Training Sessions For Members

From First Aid and Carbon Reduction to Self Defence our free training courses for members have covered a broad range of topics. We’re now proposing some new courses and we’d like your view. Are you interested in sessions about environmental policy, air quality, corporate social responsibility and business administration for new starters?

Here’s a snapshot of what we’ve got planned…

Environmental Policies

Linked to our recent carbon reduction seminar, this course explains how to write your company’s environmental policy, how it should fit within your business and how to communicate it to your clients, suppliers and stakeholders.

Air Quality

Clean Air Better Business (CABB) will lead this seminar, supporting businesses to deliver air quality improvements through different activities and interventions. Businesses are encouraged to take small steps focusing on their communications, transportation and supply chain.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

This session explains CSR, the opportunities and who benefits, and illustrates how you can you can get involved to bring CSR to life in your business. 

Introduction To Business Administration

To provide new starters and junior staff members with an overview of the fundamentals of working in a busy office environment.

Are these sessions of interest to you or your employees? Are there any other topics you’d like us to include in our future training programmes? Please drop us a line at [email protected] or call us on 020 3056 5910.

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