Latest News
New Events & Training Page
6 December 2021
We’ve just launched a brand new Events and Training page on our site to help you keep up to date with all that we’re putting on in the Baker Street Quarter. Browse it here.
We know that our long-running programme of events, from walking tours to food markets is popular with you, along with our workplace training for BakerStreetQ members and our mental health & wellbeing strand of events. The new page brings together all three strands of our events programme in one place, helping you browse our offering more easily. You can also use the new filters to sort by in-person events, virtual, food markets, training, member exclusives and more.
As restrictions of the last 18 months have been lifted, we have been able to bring back in-person events as well as our popular markets in Portman Square Garden, but we plan to continue offering a mix of virtual and in-person events. After moving much of our events and training programme online during the pandemic, and expanding our wellbeing series to help workers of the Quarter keep connected and support their mental health during a turbulent time for all, we had a fantastic increase in uptake with 860 attendees across the year.
We hope the new calendar page helps you browse what’s on, and if you have any feedback, please let us know. Keep an eye on our newsletter too for all the new events for 2022.