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Members Support Local Charities With Smarter Giving
12 January 2015
At the end of 2014 we coordinated some fantastic Corporate Social Responsibility activity by our members as part of our Smarter Giving service.
From a Food Bank to a Clothes Bank and our very first Toy Appeal, it was a busy time and we collected an unprecedented amount of donations for children and vulnerable adults in and around the Quarter. Our Toy Appeal saw £2,160 worth of toys being donated to five nurseries in the Church Street area. Susan Whaley from Fisherton Pre-School commented, “thank you to everybody for their kind presents, the children loved them and it was very nice of you to think of us as it gave the children a better Christmas”. Our Food Bank was also a resounding success with collections at four member businesses and donations to North Paddington Food Bank and West London Day Centre, the latter, along with the Marylebone Project also benefitting from our Clothes Bank. All of this activity couldn’t have happened without the generosity of the building management and tenants of 55 Baker Street, 95 and 35 Wigmore Street, as well as Boston Consulting Group, Quintain, Handle Recruitment, Double Tree by Hilton, the Premier League and the University of Westminster, so we’d like to extend our thanks to the organisations and individuals involved for all their support.
If you are interested in supporting our Smarter Giving programme with your very own drive, please get in touch.