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Member Event: Major Incident Tabletop Workshop

Following on from last year’s successful Tabletop exercise, we are pleased to host our annual area-wide event to continue our work to increase resilience in the area, particularly in the context of the current lockdown restrictions. The event is available to all Baker Street Quarter members and takes place on 3 February, 10.00 – 12.00. This online, interactive session will allow you to review your response to a large-scale incident, examine the extent to which your current plans address the actions required to support a return to normality and assess the impact of the current lockdown restrictions on your business’s ability to recover.

The exercise will examine the organisational response to a conventional and escalating major incident, such as a large-scale protest involving significant disorder and widespread disruption affecting your business and the wider area, and will look at whether your continuity plans stand up while lockdown restrictions are in place.  Against this backdrop, the scenario will also provide the chance to explore cyber security vulnerabilities resulting from the move to increased remote working and how the risks of data leaks and the impact on organisational reputation can be addressed.

Although open to all BakerStreetQ members, those staff with responsibilities for physical or information security, business continuity and crisis response will particularly benefit from the session, which will provide the opportunity to discuss and share best practice in an appropriately confidential environment as well as incorporating a practical demonstration of the BakerStreetQ Incident Alerts platform.

Book your place now by emailing us at [email protected]. The Tabletop workshop is free to all Baker Street Quarter members.

For more training opportunities, visit our Training page.



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