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Manchester Square Consultation – Seeking Your Feedback
8 November 2021
We have been working in collaboration with The Portman Estate and Westminster City Council to develop a new public realm vision for Manchester Square and are seeking supportive letters from local people and workers for the project.
The project aims to create a new public space in the square, offering residents, workers and visitors a space to pause and take a break with seating and greening, as well as improving pedestrian safety and accessibility on the square with wider footways, reduced traffic and step-free crossings. The plans will benefit those who work in the area and locals with more space for respite, in line with the desire we have heard from you for more public space and greening in the Quarter. There will also be a new dedicated eastbound cycle lane on the northern side of the Square, with west bound continuing on its current route around the south of the square.
The project will help to improve walking routes north of Oxford Street making for a more pleasant experience for everyone as well as encouraging more visitors to enjoy the Quarter. The new public space outside The Wallace Collection will also enhance the setting of this much loved, free to enter cultural institution.
You can submit letters of support or questions about the proposal to [email protected], and for further information and proposed designs visit the project website.