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Look Behind The Scenes As Marble Arch Mound Arises

Our neighbours, Marble Arch BID, have launched a livestream showing the progress of Marble Arch Mound as it is constructed over the coming weeks. Marble Arch Mound is set to be one of London’s big attractions this summer, driving lots of visitors to the Quarter and offering an exciting activity for local workers to make the most of in their lunchtimes and after office hours.

The Mound will allow visitors a new perspective over this iconic district, including towards Marylebone and the Quarter. The viewing deck will provide a never-before-seen view of London, while the 5,000sq ft space inside the Mound will contain an exhibition space. Bringing the tranquillity of Hyde Park a little closer to Oxford Street, the Mound could be enjoyed by up to 200,000 people while it is in place, bringing visitors into the surrounding areas and benefitting local retail, hospitality and leisure venues.

Marble Arch Mound is due to open to the public on Monday 5 July for six months. We’ll bring you the latest news on the new attraction, including the booking process when it’s available.

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